01229 585 778 | admin@ulverstoncouncil.org.uk

Ulverston Town Council Office, County Square, Ulverston, Cumbria LA12 7LZ

Ulverston Town Council - Serving the Ulverston Community
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01229 585 778 | admin@ulverstoncouncil.org.uk

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Ulverston Conservation Area

Ulverston’s Conservation area exists to manage and protect the special architectural and historic interest of the town – in other words, the features that make it unique. Every local authority in England has at least one conservation area and there are around 10,000 in England. The conservation area was designated by South Lakeland District Council (Westmorland and Furness Council from 1 April 2023) as the planning authority in consultation with the community. There are occasional reviews of the conservation area undertaken by SLDC.

Much of Ulverston town centre is designated within the conservation area and you can see this in the map below. Ulverston’s Civic Society has kindly given us permission to publish two leaflets produce by the society one on the conservation area and one on listed building. They can be found below. It will give you information on what you can and cannot do with property in a conservation area and especially in you live in a listed building.

If you have any queries about what you can do then we strongly advise that you speak to the local planning authority (W&F) and call them on 01539 733333.


Useful Links:



Conservation Area Map

Advice and Guidance

Listed Building Guidance

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Contact us

Call: 01229 585 778

Email: admin@ulverstoncouncil.org.uk

Ulverston Town Council Office
County Square
LA12 7LZ