01229 585 778 | admin@ulverstoncouncil.org.uk

Ulverston Town Council Office, County Square, Ulverston, Cumbria LA12 7LZ

Ulverston Town Council - Serving the Ulverston Community
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01229 585 778 | admin@ulverstoncouncil.org.uk

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Council Committees


Town Mayor: Cllr Graham Scrogham

Deputy Mayor: Cllr Shirley-Anne Wilson

Leader of the Council: Cllr Mark Wilson

Full Council

All Councillors

Standing Committees:

The Mayor and Deputy Mayor are ex-officio non-voting members of all standing committees UNLESS elected to the Committee by council.

Finance and General Purposes Committee:

Cllrs: M. Wilson, J.  Drake, C. Howard, R. O’Hara, J. Pickthall, M. Scrogham, P. Smith, M. Hornby

Allotments Standing Committee:

Cllrs: H. Irving, G. Scrogham, M. Stanton

Environmental Sustainability Standing Committee:

Cllrs: J. Drake, J. Filmore, J. Pickthall, S. Ronson, M. Scrogham, P. Smith

HR Committee:

(4-year appointment/term of Council)

Cllrs: J. Drake, M. Hornby, C. Howard, H. Irving, S.A. Wilson

Council Charities and Trust appointments:

United Charities: All Councillors are Trustees

United Charities represent a number of small charities primarily established by individuals in the early part of the 20th Century.  These small sums have been amalgamated and produce a small annual dividend which is distributed annually.

CGP Trustees

(4-year appointment of Council)

The Town Council administer this fund on behalf of CGP Books (Broughton in Furness).

Cllrs: M. Hornby, C. Howard, H. Irving, J. Pickthall, L. Scrogham, M. Scrogham

Ulverston Town Lands Trust:

(4 years appointment which runs from the date of the appointment and is not linked to the financial year or term of the Council.  Council can appoint members who are NOT elected councillors if it wishes:

4 years to 13. 05. 2027               Mrs J. Hancock

4 years to 21. 11. 2027               Cllr. M. Hornby

4 years to 19. 08. 2024               Mr. D. Webster. Cllr S.A. Wilson (at the end of the term Cllr Wilson will remain on the trust and Mr C. Pickthall will be appointed in place of Mr Webster)

4 years to 28. 07. 2024               Cllr.  P. Smith (at the end of the term Cllr P. Smith will remain on the trust)

4 years to 23. 05. 2026               Mr T. Irving

Other Committees

Ulverston Community Partnership (Marketing Committee funded by UTC)

Cllrs: M. Hornby, E. Hunt, J. Pickthall

(+ P. Winston, Town Clerk, N. Bishop-Rowe. Paul Duncan, J. Hancock, A. Nicholaides, J.Tootill-Wales)

Ulverston – Albert Twinning Association:

The Albert Twinning Association was established in 1974 by the Town Council and the Town Council works in partnership with the Albert Association. The Town Council provide civic support to the association; the Mayor has attended formal events in Albert (Northern France) and the Town Council fund a Civic meal for formal visits from Albert and the Albert Association members.

Cllr: J. Drake, H. Irving, M. Hornby, M. Wilson

External Organisations:

All members appointed by town council are observers and do not have any voting rights (with the exception of CALC) nor do they have executive powers. Members are asked to report back to council from time to time.

  • Gill Banks Action Group (GBAG):                     Cllrs: J. Drake, J. Pickthall
  • John Ambulance:                                              Cllr:
  • Air Training Corps:                                            Cllr: H. Irving
  • Age Concern:                                                    Cllrs: M. Hornby, M. Stanton
  • Croftlands Community Association:                  Cllr: S. Ronson, P. Smith
  • Ulverston Inshore Rescue:                                Deputy Mayor
  • Ulverston Town Band:                                        Cllr: H. Irving
  • Ulverston Traders Association:                          Committee does not currently meet
  • Ulverston in Bloom:                                             Cllrs: J. Filmore, J. Pickthall
  • Ulverston Business Improvement District (BID)  Cllr H. Irving, S. Ronson, L. Scrogham
  • Carnival Committee:                                            Cllr: M. Wilson
  • Lantern Festival:                                                  Cllr: G. Scrogham, P. Smith
  • Dickensian Festival:                                             Cllr:   Irving, M. Scrogham
  • Cumbria Association of Local Councils (CALC):  Cllrs: J. Clark, M. Wilson
  • Borderlands                                                          Cllrs: H. Irving, J. Pickthall
  • Ulverston Resilience Group                                  Cllrs P. Smith, M. Wilson

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Email: admin@ulverstoncouncil.org.uk

Ulverston Town Council Office
County Square
LA12 7LZ