01229 585 778 | admin@ulverstoncouncil.org.uk

Ulverston Town Council Office, County Square, Ulverston, Cumbria LA12 7LZ

Ulverston Town Council - Serving the Ulverston Community
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01229 585 778 | admin@ulverstoncouncil.org.uk

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Finance and Grants Agenda

Finance and Grants Agenda 2024

Agenda JanuaryFinance and Grants Agenda3rd January
Agenda FebruaryFinance and Grants Agenda7th February
Agenda MarchFinance and Grants Agenda6th March
Agenda AprilFinance and Grants Agenda3rd April
Agenda May Finance and Grants AgendaMeeting on 29 April due to Elections
Agenda JuneFinance and Grants Agenda5th June
Agenda JulyFinance and Grants Agenda3rd July
Agenda SeptemberFinance and Grants Agenda4th September
Agenda OctoberFinance and Grants Agenda2nd October
Agenda NovemberFinance and Grants Agenda6th November

Finance and Grants Agenda 2023

Agenda JanuaryFinance and Grants Agenda4th January
Agenda FebruaryFinance and Grants Agenda1st February
Agenda MarchFinance and Grants Agenda1st March
Agenda April
(Meeting held on 30th March)
Finance and Grants Agenda30th March
Agenda MayFinance and Grants Agenda3rd May
Agenda JuneFinance and Grants Agenda7th June
Agenda JulyFinance and Grants Agenda5th July
Agenda SeptemberFinance and Grants Agenda6th September
Agenda OctoberFinance and Grants Agenda4th October
Agenda NovemberFinance and Grants Agenda1st November

Finance and Grants Agenda 2022

Agenda JanuaryFinance and Grants Agenda5th January
Agenda FebruaryFinance and Grants Agenda2nd February
Agenda MarchFinance and Grants Agenda2nd March
Agenda AprilFinance and Grants Agenda6th April
Agenda MayFinance and Grants Agenda11th May
Agenda JuneFinance and Grants Agenda1st June
Agenda JulyFinance and Grants Agenda6th July
Agenda SeptemberFinance and Grants Agenda7th September
Agenda OctoberFinance and Grants Agenda5th October
Agenda NovemberFinance and Grants Agenda2nd November
Agenda December Finance and Grants Agenda30th November

Finance and Grants Agenda 2021

Agenda JanuaryFinance and Grants Agenda6th January
Agenda FebruaryFinance and Grants Agenda3rd February
Agenda MarchFinance and Grants Agenda3rd March
Agenda AprilFinance and Grants Agenda7th April
May - no meeting
Agenda JuneFinance and Grants Agenda2nd June
Agenda JulyFinance and Grants Agenda7th July
August - no meeting
Agenda SeptemberFinance and Grants Agenda1st September
Agenda OctoberFinance and Grants Agenda6th October
Agenda NovemberFinance and Grants Agenda3rd November
Agenda DecemberFinance and Grants Agenda1st December

Finance and Grants Agenda 2020

Agenda JanuaryFinance and Grants AgendaWednesday 8th January 2020
Agenda FebruaryFinance and Grants AgendaWednesday 5th February 2020
Agenda MarchFinance and Grants AgendaWednesday 4th March 2020
April - no meeting
May - no meeting
Agenda JuneFinance and Grants AgendaWednesday 2nd June2020
Agenda JulyFinance and Grants AgendaWednesday 1st July 2020
August - no meeting
Agenda SeptemberFinance and Grants AgendaWednesday 2nd September 2020
Agenda OctoberFinance and Grants AgendaWednesday 7th October 2020
Agenda NovemberFinance and Grants AgendaWednesday 2nd November 2020
Agenda DecemberFinance and Grants AgendaWednesday 4th December 2020



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Ulverston Remembrance Services 2024

Ulverston Remembrance Services 2024

ULVERSTON REMEMBRANCE SERVICES Sunday 10th November 2024 Members of the public are cordially invited to join the Remembrance Sunday event on Sunday 10th November 2024. The Remembrance Service at Ulverston Parish Church will start at 2.30pm and everyone attending the service is asked to make their own way to the Church (There will be no… Continue Reading

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Call: 01229 585 778

Email: admin@ulverstoncouncil.org.uk

Ulverston Town Council Office
County Square
LA12 7LZ