01229 585 778 | admin@ulverstoncouncil.org.uk

Ulverston Town Council Office, County Square, Ulverston, Cumbria LA12 7LZ

Ulverston Town Council - Serving the Ulverston Community
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01229 585 778 | admin@ulverstoncouncil.org.uk

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Sir John Barrow Cottage

Sir John Barrow’s Cottage

The cottage was the birthplace of Sir John Barrow on 19 June 1764. It is now a grade II listed building. John Barrow was the son of a yeoman farmer and was educated at Town Bank Grammar School in Ulverston. There is more elsewhere on this site about Sir John Barrow, one of Ulverston’s most famous sons. Before the age of 20, he held a variety of important jobs including tutor, surveyor’s assistant and head bookkeeper in a Liverpool iron foundry. Sir John Barrow was one of the founder members of the Royal Geographical Society and as the Second Secretary to the Admiralty spearheaded arctic exploration to discover the North West passage.

The cottage is at Dragley Beck in Ulverston and is in the ownership of Ulverston Town Council.

The council has recently spent £14,000 on refurbishing parts of the building, and leased it to Greenlane Archeology who are working with the Ulverston Civic Society to open it for the community. The building should be open at weekends and can be hired for events from October 2017

For more information contact Greenlane on Greenlane Archaeology info@greenlanearchaeology.co.uk

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Ulverston Remembrance Services 2024

Ulverston Remembrance Services 2024

ULVERSTON REMEMBRANCE SERVICES Sunday 10th November 2024 Members of the public are cordially invited to join the Remembrance Sunday event on Sunday 10th November 2024. The Remembrance Service at Ulverston Parish Church will start at 2.30pm and everyone attending the service is asked to make their own way to the Church (There will be no… Continue Reading

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Call: 01229 585 778

Email: admin@ulverstoncouncil.org.uk

Ulverston Town Council Office
County Square
LA12 7LZ