01229 585 778 | admin@ulverstoncouncil.org.uk

Ulverston Town Council Office, County Square, Ulverston, Cumbria LA12 7LZ

Ulverston Town Council - Serving the Ulverston Community
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01229 585 778 | admin@ulverstoncouncil.org.uk

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Gas works held up at Canal

Cadent Gas were supposed to commence work on and around the canal towpath this weekend and had issued a towpath closure notice.   The town council has spoken to the company who didn’t come to site this weekend and have been informed that a local issue prevented them starting work.   They hope that this will be resolved in the next few weeks. The town council has asked them to make sure that information is put on the tow path and publicised through the media and social media and the town council councillors are informed together with  the Ulverston Canal ReverbNation Group so we can all inform the community

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Call: 01229 585 778

Email: admin@ulverstoncouncil.org.uk

Ulverston Town Council Office
County Square
LA12 7LZ