01229 585 778 | admin@ulverstoncouncil.org.uk

Ulverston Town Council Office, County Square, Ulverston, Cumbria LA12 7LZ

Ulverston Town Council - Serving the Ulverston Community
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01229 585 778 | admin@ulverstoncouncil.org.uk

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King’s Coronation Picnic in the Park

Thank you so much to everyone who braved the weather and came along to our Coronation event at Lightburn Park! In true Ulverston spirit we had a fantastic turnout 🇬🇧 👑
So many faces painted, lots of sports, football, train rides and lots of happy faces!
A big thank you to Ulverston BID for helping fund the event, Cllr David Webster for the kind donation of 50 free train rides as well as Zebedees Barrow for face painting and HP Activities for the sports.

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Contact us

Call: 01229 585 778

Email: admin@ulverstoncouncil.org.uk

Ulverston Town Council Office
County Square
LA12 7LZ