01229 585 778 | admin@ulverstoncouncil.org.uk

Ulverston Town Council Office, County Square, Ulverston, Cumbria LA12 7LZ

Ulverston Town Council - Serving the Ulverston Community
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01229 585 778 | admin@ulverstoncouncil.org.uk

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Ulverston Eco Fair 16th March

Ulverston’s annual Eco Fair returns at The Coro on 16th March, 10.30am – 4.30pm. FREE entry

Discover what strategies groups and individuals are using to cut their carbon footprint and consider what we as individuals can do next to ensure a better future for our children and grandchildren.

Come and meet over 40 fantastic exhibitors, find out how to get involved with Ulverston in Bloom, Gill Banks Action Group or how to get an allotment. Learn about the ‘Cold to Cosy Homes’ and ‘Solar Made Easy’ projects, get free energy saving advice, and measure your carbon footprint. Enjoy locally sourced food ideas, bring your unwanted gifts to our swap shop, FREE children’s activities and much more.

What’s happening throughout the day?

🚵‍♀️Kate Rawles, author of The Life Cycle will be bringing her bamboo bike along, and talking about her 8,000+ solo bike ride across South America
⭐️People Planet Pocket swap shop – bring along your unwanted gifts to swap for something you do want!
👗👕There will be a preloved and vintage fashion show by Evermore Vintage at 1pm
⭐️Performances at 10.30 and 1.30 by St Mary’s Primary School
🌱Penny Bridge School will be taking to the stage at 2pm with their gardening group
FREE entry and FREE children’s activities!

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Contact us

Call: 01229 585 778

Email: admin@ulverstoncouncil.org.uk

Ulverston Town Council Office
County Square
LA12 7LZ